Monday, June 16, 2014

"Satan works hard when he knows he's in trouble."

The quote that is this post's title comes from a good friend of mine. He's currently serving a proselyting mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Eastern half of the USA.

It's true, though. I know that. In the past two months, I've been found worthy to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood (I'm being ordained on Sunday!), I've started taking Temple Prep classes, and I'm in the process of doing mission interviews. That's right, I found a mission!

Last Wednesday, I met with my bishop (a local leader), to talk about setting a date to go to the temple and to talk about church service missions. Little did I know that the meeting would end up being a mission interview! My bishop had received a forwarded email from the stake president (a local leader over a larger area than the bishop is over) describing a new opportunity. He automatically thought of me. I must admit, while he was talking about it, I felt really good about it. I felt better about it than I have for any other opportunity to serve.

The mission is working as a technical assistant for I would be trained, and then get trained in a specialty, and help people that are having troubles with the site. I'm so excited! I wish I could be doing it right now, but I still have a couple of interviews to go through.

Satan is working triple-overtime, though. Thoughts of all sorts, from inappropriate to plain awful, are plaguing me. But it is flattering in a way. "If he's working hard then that just testifies of your worthiness and determination to do the Lord's work." That was from my missionary friend as well. I couldn't say it any better.

Thankfully, I've got a really great support group. My missionary friend, my family, my bishop, my friends (including one in the same stage of life as I am), and Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. It's the kind of support system that people long for. I am so grateful for it.

Scripture Section
I wanted to add a new section to this blog. So I'm calling it the "Scripture Section." 

One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:18. It says, "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

How often do we look at our lives and think that we are in the depths of despair? Having clinical depression, I know this feeling. But this scripture testifies to me of the glory of heaven. If we are righteous, if we follow God, the glory and reward will swallow up the trials so completely that we will look back and wonder how those trials had such power over us. This is what I aim for.

Thanks for reading again! Sorry about the long wait. I didn't feel like posting. I'd like to leave you all with a thought. We can pull ourselves out of cracks in the road. If we look at life with a positive outlook, we can be happy, even if it's only some of the time. It's hard for those of us with depression, but it is possible, at least in small bursts. Those small bursts are often enough to keep us motivated to trudge through the mental sludge for just a bit longer.

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